On the first Saturday of each month, there's an open house at Founders' Park, which is right behind Anaheim High School. Anthony and Mom & Aunt Wanda and I took the tour of the Mother Colony House (very rustic), and the super-beautiful Victorian Woelke-Stoffel house. I want to live in that house dammit.
Here are some pictures...
This "surveyor's cabinet" in the Colony House is the SHIT, right? |
Look at this adorable corner shelf in the Colony House! So fancy! |
Mrs. Clementine Langenberger, whose black eyes stare balefully from the wall in the Colony House. |
Why does this creepy doll in the Colony House look more like a tiny lady than a baby? |
In the Victorian Woelke-Stoffel House, everything is, like, WAY fancy. Look at this awesome fireplace mantel!!! |
A beautifully carved set of nesting tables, nestled in a corner. (See what I did there?) |
Victorians were like, "Bitch, we'll put tassels on ANYTHING." |
Victorians will not rest until there are a MILLION tassels. |
David Smythe, whose portrait hangs upstairs in the Woelke-Stoffel House, and whose trailing mustaches and peculiar hair streak haunt us to this day... |
This is a pretty nice fireplace and mantel, but I like the first one better. This is Plain Jane compared to it. |
Ladies, would you like some fans? Why, yes, they ARE ostrich feathers. |
Look at that lampshade! It's super nice, you guys. Do NOT rough-house anywhere near it. |
Another beautiful piece of German wood-carving. |
I just really liked this painting upstairs in the Woelke-Stoffel House. |
Peacock feathers! They add Victorian finery to any room. |
May I have another serving of Victorian peacock feathers? Yes, you may. Right this way, sir. |
This dear little silver water pitcher tilts to facilitate pouring. So genteel! |
Pictures hung with medallions and rope and yes, TASSELS. |
I'll just sit here and chat for a while. And idly flick the tassels on the curtains. |
Love this Victorian wallpaper! |
I love THIS Victorian wallpaper, too. Everything should be covered in it. Even cars, and dumpsters. |
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